Monstera Acuminata
History of Monstera Acuminata
Monsteras are generally known as large, handsome climbing plants but there are also small species suitable for growing as epiphytes on a branch or in a small plant-case.
The species Monstera Acuminata is from Guatemala. The stem is slightly flattened, with short internodes (only about 6 to 10 cm [2-½ to 4 in] long). The leaf stalks are up to 15 cm (6 in) long at the most, but usually only half that, the leaf blades between 10 and 25 cm (4 and 10 in).
Adult plants have leaves resembling those of Monstera deliciosa (in cultivation, however, they do not reach this stage even after many years).
Cultivation of the species is not difficult. In the wild similar species of small monsteras almost always grow as epiphytes and this should be kept in mind when growing it at home. As a compost use a blend of peat, cut sphagnum moss, sand and charcoal, but a ball of sphagnum moss in which the roots are spread out will serve the purpose too. In the latter case, however, growth will be much slower, particularly at the start. The ball should be tied to a trunk or branch.
For good growth Monstera acuminata requires a constant high temperature (normal room temperature that does not permanently drop below 18°C is sufficient), frequent syringing of the leaves and an occasional light application of feed.
Propagation is easy; simply cut the stem at the points where aerial roots are formed in the internodes; the cuttings will readily form roots even in water.
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Big Monstera Acuminata
How to Take Care of Monstera Acuminata
1. Soil - For compost, you can use a good blend of peat, sphagnum moss, charcoal, and sand. A ball of 100% soilless medium, sphagnum moss in which the roots can spread out will also serve the same purpose. But the only issue with this medium is that your, Monstera acuminata, will have slow growth in the beginning. Another suitable option is an aroid mix that will guarantee all the necessary nutrients for the Monstera acuminata. As long as the mixture drains well and is rich in nutrients, your Monstera will thrive. In tropical climates, this plant can be planted anytime throughout the year. For other climates, you can start a new Monstera acuminata anytime between spring to autumn.
2. Water - Knowing when and how much water your plant is the first thing you should be learning about your houseplants. Monsteras need regular watering. Water the Monstera acuminata only when the top 2 inches of soil have dried out. Ensure that you water it moderately and evenly. The environment you provide for your plant will dictate its actual watering needs. Monstera acuminata kept in a dry, hot climate might require watering more than once in the week. Comparatively, in a moderate climate, watering once will be enough.
Monsteras that are staying in bright windows like to be watered more than those kept a few inches away. So the three main features that will control your plant’s watering needs include light, temperature, and humidity.
Signs for an underwatered Monstera include:
i. Yellow, dry leaves with brown spots.
ii. Drooping leaves.
iii. Potting soil pulling from the surface of the container.
iv. Wrinkled, crispy leaves
As a simple rule, water the Monstera acuminata regularly in the summer season but drop the frequency in the winter as environmental conditions change. However, apply water after testing the soil. There are three ways to test the soil before watering; use a finger test, wooden sticks, or moisture meter.
3. Light - This Monstera plant likes to live undeer bright and indirect light. If you suspect the light hits the plant directly during certain hours, filter the sunlight but installing window blinds or sheer curtains. Outdoors grow it under a net or tree because the sun will burn the leaves. As an indoor houseplant, Monstera acuminata can survive in medium sunlight.
4. Temperature - This warmth-loving plant needs high temperature constantly for good growth. Average room temperature that does not go below 18°C is adequate for the Monstera acuminata. This plant can tolerate maximum temperatures of 30°C. Frequent misting of the leaves is also suggested. This species is frost tender, so protect it from freezing cold temperatures. For very cold climates, bring the outdoor plant inside during the frost. Since this plant originates from a tropical climate, a humid and warm environment makes it feel at home.
5. Fertilizer - Occasionally feed the plant with a light fertilizer application in the growing seasons. I use 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer. You have to dilute about half a teaspoon in one gallon of water. Apply this solution directly to the soil during the watering sessions. A slow-release granular fertilizer is also great because it releases the nutrients gradually into the soil. This protects your Monstera acuminata from over-fertilization. As an additional step, leach the potting soil every season to eliminate salt buildups.
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Propagation is relatively easy for the Monstera acuminata. Just cut the stems at points where aerial roots are present on the internodes. This Monstera cutting will happily root even in water.
Stem Cuttings in Soil
1. Sterilize all your tools before you start the process. You can do this with rubbing alcohol or a bleach and water solution. Clean, germ-free tools are important because they eliminate the risk of infections or diseases.
2. Take a 4-6 inches long cutting from a healthy stem. Let the cuttings dry for a few hours so that the callus can form.
3. Dip the ends of the cutting in rooting hormone powder; this helps the cutting root faster. You can use any commercially available rooting hormone, but it is suggested to use an organic one.
4. The cutting can be planted in a deep pot containing a moistened mixture of peat moss and sand in equal parts.
5. You have to keep the stem cutting in a bright area that has lots of warmth. Water the mixture whenever it feels dry to maintain the moisture level.
6. Cover the cuttings with a plastic zip bag; this will hold the humidity required for the cutting. You need to make a few holes for air circulation. Open the bag for 2-3 hours every day.
7. Root development can take a few weeks to a few months, depending on several factors. Cuttings taken from the same plant at the same time might root at different times.
Stem Cuttings in Water
1. There is another rooting medium for your cutting, water. In this method, all other steps are similar to the previous section, but you will place the cutting in water instead of soil.
2. Take filtered water and let it sit for a few hours (overnight is better). This helps in the dissipation of chlorine or any other impurities.
3. Trim any leaves near the lower end of cutting. This is critical because else the leaves will rot in water.
4. Place the lower end of the stem cutting in a water jar. Keep this jar in a position that’s well-lit but receives no direct sun. Maintain some warmth and humidity.
5. Change the water after 3, 4 days, or whenever it feels muddy. Under optimum conditions, you will be rewarded with tiny roots in 2-3 weeks.
6. Once established, transfer the stem cutting to a pot with a good quality mix. Do not leave the cutting in water for too long this leads to weak, water roots.
Air Layering
1. Another favorite method for propagation of Monsteras is air layering. You have to just wrap the node with damp sphagnum moss.
2. Secure the moss with some plastic wrap but leave an opening for airflow. Wrap loosely so that you can check for root development. You can also use ties or strings.
3. Spray the sphagnum moss with water to keep it moisturized. Once the roots develop, make a cut right below the node, and you will have a stem cutting.
4. Plant this cutting in a proper potting soil that is suitable for Monstera plants. This method is the safest because you will not lose any part of your plant even if you fail.
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Sample of Monstera in Nursery Kebun Bandar